Member ID#2

Javi Lavandeira



From Barcelona, Spain. MSX user since 1984. Learnt Japanese and moved to Japan in 2002.


7 years ago: Commented on the news item COMPILE◯ launches crowdfunding campaign, reward includes MSX2 cartridge.

7 years ago: Commented on the article Setting up the MSX-C environment (part 1).

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Dark Schneider on the news item Wifi232 modem connects your MSX to the Internet.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation reply does not show automatically.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Naoki Ito on the news item BEEP shop announces its first program contest.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP shop announces its first program contest.

7 years ago: Commented on the article User environments in MSX.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation paint 4 hd.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation What Assemblers and why.

7 years ago: Started the conversation [PUBLIC] Financial report and site statistics (June 2017).

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation What Assemblers and why.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation paint 4 hd.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation What Assemblers and why.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by madscient on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by George van Halderen on the article Setting up the MSX-C environment (part 1).

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Germán on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the article Review: Manufacturers of MSX cartridges.

7 years ago: Commented on the article Setting up the MSX-C environment (part 1).

7 years ago: Commented on the article Review: Manufacturers of MSX cartridges.

7 years ago: Commented on the article Review: Manufacturers of MSX cartridges.

7 years ago: Commented on the article Review: Manufacturers of MSX cartridges.

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by Warmize on MegaFlashROM discussion .

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Started the conversation MegaFlashROM discussion.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Louthrax on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Samor on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item Welcome to MSX Center!.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Warmize on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by アルバート on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Manuel Pazos on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by パトリク on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by アルバート on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item COMPILE◯ launches crowdfunding campaign, reward includes MSX2 cartridge.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item COMPILE◯ launches crowdfunding campaign, reward includes MSX2 cartridge.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Gradius for sale (#2).

7 years ago: Started the conversation Gradius for sale (#1).

7 years ago: Started the conversation Konami's Baseball for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation King's Valley for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Konami's Boxing for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Konami's Soccer for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Road Fighter for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Hyper Rally for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Q-Bert for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Gradius 2 for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Space Manbow for sale.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for sale .

7 years ago: Started the conversation MSX2+ for sale (Panasonic FS-A1WX).

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the article ILEVAN review (MSX, English version).

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Julio Lemos on the article ILEVAN review (MSX, English version).

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by AxelStone on the article Interview with Moo Niitani (Compile).

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by KdL on the article Interview with Moo Niitani (Compile).

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by KdL on the article Interview with Moo Niitani (Compile).

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Ilevan MSX.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Things to do after the launch.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Things to do after the launch.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation MSX development on Youtube.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by AxelStone on the news item COMPILE◯ announces Dominon, a previously unreleased game for MSX2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by Sandy Pleyte on Things to do after the launch .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Things to do after the launch.

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by AxelStone on Congratulations! .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by Raúl Chicón on Congratulations! .

7 years ago: Commented on the news item COMPILE◯ announces Dominon, a previously unreleased game for MSX2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item COMPILE◯ announces Dominon, a previously unreleased game for MSX2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item COMPILE◯ announces Dominon, a previously unreleased game for MSX2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Latok on the news item COMPILE◯ announces Dominon, a previously unreleased game for MSX2.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by アルバート on Is there any tracker for MSX-Music that exports in FM-BIOS format? .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by アルバート on Is there any tracker for MSX-Music that exports in FM-BIOS format? .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by Naoki Ito on Is there any tracker for MSX-Music that exports in FM-BIOS format? .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Is there any tracker for MSX-Music that exports in FM-BIOS format?.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation MSX2+ popularity.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by アルバート on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by パトリク on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by AxelStone on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Is there any tracker for MSX-Music that exports in FM-BIOS format?.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by アルバート on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by アルバート on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by アルバート on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation RetroArch: bad performance on a MacBook Pro.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation RetroArch: bad performance on a MacBook Pro.

7 years ago: Commented on the article MÜLLWAND review (MSX version).

7 years ago: Started the conversation RetroArch: bad performance on a MacBook Pro.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by パトリク on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Saturated contact e-mail address / How to disable the notifications for new replies?.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Saturated contact e-mail address / How to disable the notifications for new replies?.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by 鄧永志 on Congratulations! .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Congratulations!.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by Piter Punk on the article What’s this “MSX” thing?.

7 years ago: Commented on the article What’s this “MSX” thing?.

7 years ago: Commented on the article What’s this “MSX” thing?.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item Welcome to MSX Center!.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item Welcome to MSX Center!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Things to do after the launch.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation MSX MIDI creation software.

7 years ago: Commented on the article What’s this “MSX” thing?.

7 years ago: Commented on the article What’s this “MSX” thing?.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Commented on the article What’s this “MSX” thing?.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item New multi-function cartridge announced: Carnivore2.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by パトリク on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Ilevan MSX.

7 years ago: Commented on the article My start with the MSX.

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by パトリク on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Commented on the news item MÜLLWAND (JUNKWALL) released for MSX.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item BEEP releases special issue of EXTRA mag. interviewing the original Compile team.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Commented on the article My start with the MSX.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Test thread on the production site.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Ilevan MSX.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by AxelStone on the article My start with the MSX.

7 years ago: Upvoted a comment by George van Halderen on the article My start with the MSX.

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by Arkhan on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by 鄧永志 on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by パトリク on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by パトリク on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Things to do after the launch.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by George van Halderen on Trackers suck. .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by George van Halderen on The beta is now open! .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Test thread on the production site.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Ilevan MSX.

7 years ago: Commented on the article My start with the MSX.

7 years ago: Upvoted his own message on Things to do after the launch .

7 years ago: Started the conversation Test thread on the production site.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Things to do after the launch.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Trackers suck..

7 years ago: Downvoted a message by an anonymous member on The beta is now open! .

7 years ago: Upvoted a message by Arkhan on The beta is now open! .

7 years ago: Downvoted his own message on The beta is now open! .

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation Ilevan MSX.

7 years ago: Downvoted his own comment on the news item Dummy news item for the beta (1).

7 years ago: Upvoted his own comment on the news item Dummy news item for the beta (1).

7 years ago: Commented on the news item Dummy news item for the beta (1).

7 years ago: Commented on the news item Dummy news item for the beta (1).

7 years ago: Commented on the news item Dummy news item for the beta (1).

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation The beta is now open!.

7 years ago: Started the conversation Things to do after the launch.

7 years ago: Started the conversation The beta is now open!.