Member ID#93

Benoit Colson



Retro computing fanatic, not just MSX. Own a Philips NMS 8250 & 2 FPGA board with OcMSX core. Serveral Commodore computers & Several CP/M computers aswell. can code in 6502, 8080 & C and of course BASIC too

  • Colson.Benoit
  • From Belgium
  • Living in Belgium
  • Joined July 2017
  • Last active 7 years ago
  • Born in July 1975


7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation What Assemblers and why.

7 years ago: Commented on the news item Welcome to MSX Center!.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation What Assemblers and why.

7 years ago: Commented on the article Interview with Moo Niitani (Compile).

7 years ago: Commented on the article User environments in MSX.

7 years ago: Posted a reply on the conversation What Assemblers and why.